Word of the Day: Upstander
- Post a response to the Question of the Day in your own words.
- Use complete sentences, proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
- Copy and paste the link to the specific Question of the Day?
- Include an Inline Link to Websites.
Turn in a screenshot of the final results.
- Complete your 3 Paragraphs.
- Proofread and correct your grammar, spelling and punctuation.
- Read your classmates posts and post positive comments on at least 2, for a grade.
- Moderate the comments on your blog post.
Question of the Day:
Watch the video, read the Room for Debate opinions and read the article, then tell us…
Write 3 full paragraphs. (Write a paragraphs for at least 3 of the questions. This will make a 3 paragraph essay.)
- Is cyberbullying a problem in your school? Have you or any of your friends been taunted, intimidated or called names online? Have you ever cyberbullied anyone?
- What responsibility do schools have to address online bullying, even if it occurs outside of school hours? How should schools tackle the issue?
- What responsibility do schools have to address online bullying, even if it occurs outside of school hours? How should schools tackle the issue?
- Do you notice online bullying? How big of a problem is it in your school?
- Should schools punish students for being online bullies? Should they offer special classes to educate students about Internet safety and decorum? Should they monitor what students say online? Should they try to instill in students a sense of civic responsibility?
- Or does what happens outside of school fall outside of the school’s jurisdiction?
Daily Objectives: Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.
Word of the Day: Looks
- Post a response to the Question of the Day in your own words.
- Use complete sentences, proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
- Copy and paste the link to the specific Question of the Day?
- Include an Inline Link to Websites.
- Problem III. Changing the Looks of a Sprite
- Problem II. Moving to Specific Locations
- Scratch Coordinates
- Draw your first sprite.
Daily Objectives: Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.
Word of the Day: Sustainability
- Post a response to the Question of the Day in your own words.
- Use complete sentences, proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
- Copy and paste the link to the specific Question of the Day?
- Include an Inline Link to Websites.
Research and write 2 paragraphs and include resources, use citelighter.com for your own resources. Write on your blog.
Check out Mr. Viereck's Recycle Magazine
Why Recycle? - Eco-Cycle
- Edit your first paragraph. Evaluate the Recycling Program at Campus High School. Why is it important to recycle?"Why Recycle?." Why Recycle?. n.p., n.d. Web. 26 March 2014.
Why Recycle?. n.p., n.d. Web. 26 March 2014.
http://www.wastereduction.unc.edu/WhyRecycle. - Write a second paragraph on the same post. Describe how you would start a recycling program at Campus High School. Produce a possible solution to working harder on a recycling program. Explain how to sustain school products through recycling. Sustainability is the ability of this generation to meet its needs without undermining the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
- Recycling Guide
- Cafeteria Recycling Tips:
"Cafeteria Recycling." Cafeteria Recycling. n.p., n.d. Web. 25 March 2014.
Daily Objectives: Students
will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and
think critically about online context, using written (Blog post),
graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance
at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.
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