Friday, November 30, 2018

Turn, Turn, Turn

Google Classroom 

Which direction does Tracy face when starting? What 2 commands can you use to make Tracy face a different direction(turn)? What number will turn Tracy completely around?
List of Commands


Google Classroom 

What can you do to teach Karel new commands? Why?
1.4. Functions in Karel But what exactly are functions? One way of thinking about functions is to think of them being little blocks of commands that Karel knows by a single name. 

For example, if we wanted Karel to get the newspaper, we could say "Karel, get the newspaper." 

Karel knows that getNewspaper() means to go outside, go to the end of the driveway, pick up the newspaper, and bring it back. Similarly, in our code, we can combine or abstract away many instructions into a single function call.
What is the purpose of the selector in a CSS rule? Write 2 examples of selectors?
  • The selector points to the HTML element you want to style.
  • CSS selectors are used to "find" (or select) HTML elements based on their element name, id, class, attribute, and more.
  • The element selector selects elements based on the element name.
  • You can select all <p> elements on a page like this (in this case, all <p> elements will be center-aligned, with a red text color):
  • Element selectors are written with out brackets. For example:

Thursday, November 29, 2018

What Commands? ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

What command tells Tracy to leave a trail? What command tells Tracy not to leave a trail?
Google Classroom 

If Karel is facing North and you want Karel to move west what commands would you use? Does the order of the commands matter? Why?

Where do you write the CSS on a webpage?
What HTML tag do you need to use to write CSS?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Alternate Commands ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

If you want Tracy to move backwards 100, how can you write this using the forward command?
Google Classroom 

Karel can only turn left, what can you do if you want Karel to turn right?

Write an example for each one.
  1. What is a value for font-size:? 
  2. What is a value for color:?
  3. What is a value for font-family:?

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Worlds ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

What is the size of Tracy's Grid World? Where would you find 0,0?
Google Classroom 

What does Karel's world look like? What are streets and avenues?

What does a CSS rule consist of?

Monday, November 26, 2018

CodeHS Colors ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

CodeHS consist of a Video, Quiz, Example, and Exercise. You must complete all the activities to get credit. What color will all the activities be when for you to receive credit?
Google Classroom 

CodeHS consist of a Video, Quiz, Example, and Exercise. You must complete all the activities to get credit. What color will all the activities be when for you to receive credit?       

Why do we use CSS?
  1. HTML wasn’t intended to be able to style web pages, CSS allows us to add style
  2. Separate the content of a web page from the design of a web page
  3. Easily modify the look and feel of a web site even at a large scale

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Split Screen ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

Each CodeHS assignment has a video. You must watch the video then answer the questions in Google Classroom. What should you do so that you can watch the video and answer the questions at the same time?
Google Classroom 

Each CodeHS assignment has a video. You must watch the video then answer the questions in Google Classroom. What should you do so that you can watch the video and answer the questions at the same time?
Each CodeHS assignment has a video. You must watch the video then answer the questions in Google Classroom. What should you do so that you can watch the video and answer the questions at the same time?

Monday, November 19, 2018

Early Dismissal Schedule

PERIOD 1 8:00 AM – 8:25 AM
PERIOD 2 8:27 AM – 8:52 AM
HOMEROOM 8:54 AM – 9:19 AM
PERIOD 3 9:21 AM – 9:46 AM
PERIOD 4 9:48 AM – 10:13 AM
PERIOD 5 10:15AM – 10:45AM
PERIOD 6 10:47AM – 11:12AM
PERIOD 7 11:14AM – 11:39AM
PERIOD 8 11:41AM – 12:06PM

Computer Programming ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

Computer Programming also known as coding is a set of commands or instructions that tells the computer what to do. Write a program that tells someone how to text on your phone.
Google Classroom 

Computer Programming also known as coding is a set of commands or instructions that tells the computer what to do. Write a program that tells someone how to text on your phone.

CSS separates the style of a web page from the structure of HTML. What do you think would be an advantage of separating structure and style when designing web sites?

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Like? ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

If you see something online that's meant to hurt someone, should you "like" or share it? How would you feel if someone did that to you?
Google Classroom 

What is used to make a digital image?

What  3 html tags are used to emphasize a word?

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Combining Colors ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

If you knew someone was being cyberbullied, what would you do?
Google Classroom 

Any color can be create by combining varying intensities of what colors?

Write the html style attribute tag changing the font color to red and the background to yellow for a paragraph.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mean Message ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

Has someone ever sent you a mean message online? How did it make you feel?
Google Classroom 

What colors are the hexadecimal values?
  1. #ff0000
  2. #00ff00
  3. #0000ff
Write the proper html code to change the background color of a page to blue using hexadecimal numbers.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

RGB ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

Has someone ever sent you a mean message online? How did it make you feel?
Google Classroom 

The RGB Color encoding scheme allows us to encode colors as data. What do the initials RGB stand for? What is the maximum value of each color?
Write the code for the table below?

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Pixels ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

Have you ever been upset with someone online? How did you deal with it?
Google Classroom 

Tiny dots or squares of color are pixels. What colors make up each pixel?

When making a list that has rankings would you use an ordered or an unordered list?

Monday, November 5, 2018

Caesar Cipher ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

Some teens say and do terrible things to each other online because they don’t see the direct effects of their actions. So what should you do if you’re cyberbullied?
Google Classroom 

Using the Caesar Cipher if a is b, what is c, d, e, and z?
What are the <sub> - Subscript text and the <sup> - Superscript text used for?

Friday, November 2, 2018

Cyberbullies ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

Cyberbullies are looking for attention. What can you infer is the best way to deal with a cyberbully from this statement?
Google Classroom 

Boolean expression is a logical statement that is either TRUE or FALSE. How can you use binary numbers in Boolean expressions?

Google Classroom

Write a HTML style attribute with the correct syntax, for the background color of your choice for your webpage.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Cyber-bullying ClassFlow
Google Classroom 

What is Cyber-bullying?
Google Classroom 

What is the sum of the ascii the uppercase A and the lowercase a?

What are the two parts of the style attribute?