Thursday, October 29, 2015

10/30 Nick's Predicament Now: Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and capture it in citelighter, then paraphrase it in your own words.  
Word of the Day: Sexting  

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Read: Sheyna's Situation
Question of the Day:  Choose at least one.
Post the response on your blog.

1. Sheyna's Mother/Father sees a few sexts (sexually explicit text messages) between Sheyna and Nick. Based on Sheyna's Situation, discuss and answer the following question as if you were Sheyna's Mother/Father. Write your responses on your Blog. DO NOT INCLUDE THE QUESTIONS.

  1. What do you say to Sheyna if you were her mother/father? 
  2. What do you do next?  
  3. Do you talk to Nick?  
  4. Do you call the Camp Director or the Police? What happens?
  5. Will you let Sheyna work next summer at the camp?
2. Nick starts dating Amy a girl he met in college. Nick really likes her.  Amy accidentally sees a few sexts (sexually explicit text messages) between Sheyna and Nick. She confronts Nick. Based on Sheyna's Situation, discuss and answer the following question as if you were Amy. Write your responses on your Blog. DO NOT INCLUDE THE QUESTIONS.

  1. What do you say to Nick? 
  2. Do you think this is wrong or is Nick just being friendly?
  3. Do you break up with Nick or continue to see him?
  4. Do you call the Camp Director or the Police? What happens?
  5. Do you text or talk to Sheyna?  What would you tell her?
 3. You are Nicks best friend Joe.  Nick shows you a few sexually explicit photos of Sheyna.  Based on Sheyna's Situation, discuss and answer the following question as if you were Joe. Write your responses on your Blog. DO NOT INCLUDE THE QUESTIONS.

  1. What do you say to Nick?
  2. Do you think this is wrong or no big deal? 
  3. Should he stop or continue texting with Sheyna?
  4. What advice do you have for Nick?
  5. Do you think he might lose his job or be arrested?
  6. What will happen if Sheyna's parents find out? 

Daily Objectives:  Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric. Now: Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and capture it in citelighter, then paraphrase it in your own words.  
    Word of the Day: Sexting
    You are a winner! Click Here to claim your prize!

    Question of the Day: 
    1. Research your topic.
    2. Write a least 1 paragraph describing your topic on your blog.
    3. Make a list of 10 facts about your topic. 
    4. Cite your sources on your blog. (use Citelighter)
    5. Read and comment on the posts of each of your classmates blogs.
    Period 4 Topics
    Period 7 Topics
    eSafety issues
    10/26 Online Safety
    Daily Objectives:  Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.

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