Monday, April 13, 2015

4/15 Therapeutic robot Now: Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and capture it in citelighter, then paraphrase it in your own words.  
Word of the Day: Therapeutic robot

Check out Mr. Viereck's Robot Magazine
Sign up for FlipBoard and Get the App on your phone or tablet.

Read: What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future?
Write 3 paragraphs and include an image
Question of the Day: Do you imagine a future where robots are ubiquitous, the way TVs and computers are now? Will robots work in our factories, fight in our wars, teach our children and care for our elderly? Or is that just science fiction?
What role will robots play in the future?
  • What role will robots play in our future? Will robots be in every home, the way we now have TVs and computers? Will they work in our factories, fight in our wars, teach our children and care for our elderly?
  • Do you interact with any robots in your life already?
  • Do you think robots will bring more benefits or downsides? Why?
  • Will robots of the future have human qualities, like a sense of touch, the ability to learn, feelings and emotions?
  • Are there certain tasks or roles that we should not let robots do — that would be unethical or irresponsible on our part?
  • Do you think robots should be designed to care for the elderly, as described in the article?
  • Include the Biblography: 
GONCHAR, MICHAEL. "What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future?." Student Opinion | What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future? - n.p., n.d. Web. 12 March 2014.….

Use citelighter to include your sources.
  More Resources: Robotics Online 
Setting the Safety Standard for Cage-Free Robots
The Effect of Presence on Human-Robot ... - Wilma Bainbridge
Robots to Create More Than a Million Jobs by 2016
The influence of robots on the human society - RUDAR
Effects And Impact Of Military Robots
Will robots ever be just like people? 
Robot's Effect on Society
A Study of HumanRobot Interaction in a Collaborative Task
Impacts of human robots for the current and future generations
effects and impact Of human service robots
Robots Are Not Killing Jobs, Says a Roboticist

Daily Objectives: 
  • Using the World Wide Web and a blog, students will describe similarities and differences, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 80% on writing rubric.
  • Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.
  • Given a variety of multimedia texts and videos, students will analyze online issues and tecnological effects, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 80% on writing rubric.
  • Students will watch videos and complete an assessment with 80% or better. Now: Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and capture it in citelighter, then paraphrase it in your own words.  
Word of the Day:

Question of the Day:  Create a 30 second(300 frames) or more animation using Stykz. Include two characters, one object and a background.
Possible Ideas For Scenes:

  • Fight scene or Dance scene
  • People walking along the road with a dog
  • Animals in the zoo
  • People playing basketball or other sports
Pivot Sample # 2 Pivot Sample # 3

Pivot Sample # 4

Pivot Sample # 5

Pivot Sample # 6

Pivot Sample # 7
Stykz Animations

Daily Objectives:  Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric. Now : Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and capture it in citelighter, then paraphrase it in your own words.   
    Word of the Day:

    <body bgcolor="MistyRose ">
    CSS selector


    Question of the Day: Due April 14 - Web Design Post Assessment 
    1. Use to help write the code.
    2. Save the code in Sublime Text (Name Post Assessment)
    3. You may also use a CSS Style sheet
    4. Turn in your Sublime Text Document in Engrade
    Write a summary of the data represented in the table and analyze findings to produce a possible solution for energy resources.

    Daily Objectives:  Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.

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