Wednesday, May 18, 2011

5/18 Captions / Debugger

Post a response to the Question of the Day in 5 minutes or less, using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

ICT Essentials 1  Project Evaluation -100 Points
Question of the Day: What technology or technology devices do you rely on?  How and why do you use the technology that you use?  Write a caption that introduces the technology you use and the way you use technology. (Include this caption in your technology project.) 

Work on My Technology Project -
Daily Objectives: 
Produce a multimedia project using text, graphics, moving images, and sound.Combine different software and tools to create multimedia projects.Choose the appropriate tools or software.Identify and use new and emerging tools, technologies and software.Analyze the affects of technology on society, education, daily life.

Word of the Day: Captions let you introduce an new scene or provide some narrative information for example: "Meanwhile..." or "Suddenly!" or "It was a dark and stormy night...". A caption lets you add whatever descriptive or thought text you might need.
Question of the Day: If you were a character in a story or a video game who or what would you be?  Why?  
Work on Scratch Game Design

Daily Objectives: 
Describe and use Sequential Processing in a computer program.Describe and use Conditional Programming Logic in a computer program.Describe Use of Variables in a computer program.Describe and use Iterative Processing in a computer program.Describe and use Boolean Logic in a computer program.

Word of the Day: Debugger. A program or utility that can be used to execute an application within a special environment that allows programmers to slow and monitor the execution of an application's script as it runs.

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