Monday, November 28, 2011

11/28 Thesis / Font

Post a response to the Question of the Day using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.  Rubric

ICT Essentials
Question of the Day: 
Look again at your Statement of Purpose.  Look at the kinds of information you have been finding while taking notes.  Decide what kind of statement you have enough evidence to prove.  (Be sure that you have done enough research to make a strong argument. You may be challenged.)  Write that as your thesis statement.  This will become your introduction.

Daily Objectives:  Change your statement of purpose into a draft thesis statement. - Using Instant Alpha to Remove a Background - Add Shadows and Reflections
Judge the product (effectiveness) with100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Judge the information problem-solving process (efficiency) with100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Evaluate their own projects and their classmates projects with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning and productivity with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools

Word of the Day: A thesis statement is a strong statement that you can prove with evidence.

Question of the Day: 
How important to you is texting for developing relationships and connecting with people? Why?
Daily Objectives:  6a. HTML Headings  6b. HTML Formatting  6c. HTML Fonts
Set the font of text with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Set the font size of text with100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Set the font color of text with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Display a special character in such as (<) in an HTML documentwith 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Identify and use entity names and numbers with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 to

Word of the Day: A font is a set of printable or displayable text characters in a specific style and size.

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