HSPA Bell Schedule
ICT EssentialsQuestion of the Day: Do you think the HSPA test should be given on a computer or over the Internet? Would most students do better or worse? Would the results be the same? Would you prefer to take the test the traditional way or on a computer? Why?
Daily Objectives:
Use and integrate Word-processing and Presentation tools and software when completing projects and assignments. | Identify and Observe proper Internet Safety and Netiquette. | Use the help sections of software, investigate online tutorials, and experiment with techniques, tools and software. | Use multiple, documents, applications and web tools to create and modify projects. | Use multiple, documents, applications and web tools to create and modify projects. |
Word of the Day: A Computer-Based Assessment (CBA), also known as Computer-Based Testing (CBT), e-assessment, computerized testing and computer-administered testing, is a method of administering tests in which the responses are electronically recorded, assessed, or both.
Question of the Day: Do you think the HSPA test should be given on a computer or over the Internet? Would most students do better or worse? Would the results be the same? Would you prefer to take the test the traditional way or on a computer? Why?
Daily Objectives:
Use Web design programs and tools to create a dynamic webdesign. | Identify and Observe proper Internet Safety and Netiquette. | Use the help sections of software, investigate online tutorials, and experiment with techniques, tools and software. | Use HTML to create and modify Web sites. | Use HTML amd web design tools to create a Website. |
Word of the Day: A Computer-Based Assessment (CBA), also known as Computer-Based Testing (CBT), e-assessment, computerized testing and computer-administered testing, is a method of administering tests in which the responses are electronically recorded, assessed, or both.
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