Monday, October 3, 2011

10/3 Computerized HSPA?

Post a response to the Question of the Day using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Rubric

HSPA Bell Schedule

ICT Essentials
Question of the Day:
Do you think the HSPA test should be given on a computer or over the Internet?  Would most students do better or worse?  Would the results be the same?  Would you prefer to take the test the traditional way or on a computer?  Why?

Daily Objectives: 
Use and integrate Word-processing and Presentation tools and software when completing projects and assignments. Identify and Observe proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Use the help sections of software, investigate online tutorials, and experiment with techniques, tools and software.Use multiple, documents, applications and web tools to create and modify projects.Use multiple, documents, applications and web tools to create and modify projects.

Word of the Day: A Computer-Based Assessment (CBA), also known as Computer-Based Testing (CBT), e-assessment, computerized testing and computer-administered testing, is a method of administering tests in which the responses are electronically recorded, assessed, or both.


Question of the Day:
Do you think the HSPA test should be given on a computer or over the Internet?  Would most students do better or worse?  Would the results be the same?  Would you prefer to take the test the traditional way or on a computer?  Why?

Daily Objectives:
Use Web design programs and tools to create a dynamic webdesign.Identify and Observe proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Use the help sections of software, investigate online tutorials, and experiment with techniques, tools and software.Use HTML to create and modify Web sites.Use HTML amd web design tools to create a Website.

Word of the Day:
A Computer-Based Assessment (CBA), also known as Computer-Based Testing (CBT), e-assessment, computerized testing and computer-administered testing, is a method of administering tests in which the responses are electronically recorded, assessed, or both.

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