Thursday, February 17, 2011

2/17 Net Effect / Artificial Intelligence

 Post a response to the Question of the Day in 5 minutes or less, using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
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ICT Essentials 1

Question of the Day: How and why do you think the "Net effect" effect online behavior? 
Daily Objectives: 
Identify and Observe the East Orange School Districts Guidelines for Acceptable Internet Use.Identify and Observe proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify and use new and emerging tools, technologies and software.Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings.
Word of the Day: Net Effect - the effect on people’s behavior of not having visual cues and voice inflection from the people to whom that behavior’s directed.
Question of the Day: Read: Artificial intelligence could put fantasy experts in jeopardy
Could a computer be competitive in a fantasy league?
Daily Objectives: 
Describe how the Internet operates.Recount the history of the Internet.Describe appropriate behavior and the rules that govern the Internet.Describe and compare how Internet protocols and universal resource locators work.
Word of the Day: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the area of computer science focusing on creating machines that can engage on behaviors that humans consider intelligent.

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