Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6/2 Benchmark Exam 3 & Senior Exam

(Write in complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.)

ICT Essentials 1
Part 1 ICT 1 Benchmark Exam 3
Senior Exam

Part 2 - Seniors Only You have 2 Days for Part 2.

Describe three ways computers facilitate and enhance learning.

Create an outline using a presentation program. Enhance your presentation and save it as a Podcast. Write using words and phrases; use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

ICT Essentials 2
Part 1
ICT 2 Benchmark Exam 3
Senior Exam

Part 2 - Seniors Only You have 2 Days for Part 2.

Select one of the problems below. Design a Scratch Program. You must include Statements, Boolean Expressions,
Conditions, Loops, Variables, Threads and Events in your project.
A. Design an animation program that makes a sprite dance.
B. Design an adventure program where a sprite travels to several
different locations.
C. Design a simple game that includes scoring.

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