Thursday, November 13, 2008


Trends Meet with Mr. Viereck today to discuss your 1st Marking Period Grade.
Create a Story Board using photographs to tell a story.

Question: Why is plot development important when making a comic life project? What does plot mean? What is the structure of a plot? Go to The Elements of Plot Development to answer these questions.

Homework: Join the discussion at MyCampus Meeting People on the Internet

HTML Meet with Mr. Viereck today to discuss your 1st Marking Period Grade.
OBJECTIVE: Complete 8. HTML Links

Question: Why would you want to have a link that opens in a new window?

Homework: Join the discussion at MyCampus Meeting People on the Internet

C++ Meet with Mr. Viereck today to discuss your 1st Marking Period Grade.
OBJECTIVE: Complete the assignments 1-12. Complete: Fish Project

Question: What is the first thing you must do before creating a Scratch project?

Homework: Join the discussion at MyCampus Meeting People on the Internet

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