Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3/27 Autonomous

Do Now: Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and capture it in citelighter, then paraphrase it in your own words.  
Word of the Day: Autonomous

Check out Mr. Viereck's Robot Magazine Sign up for FlipBoard and Get the App on your phone or tablet. 
(Project is worth 50% of the marking period grade)

Read:Project Directions

Question of the Day:  Preview of your QR Code
  1. Complete the Comic Life Tutorial.  
  2. Download and Start your Project.
  3. Make a list of 3 positives of Robots.  Cite your sources.
  4. Include images and also post to your Blog.
Daily Objectives: 
  • Using the World Wide Web and a blog, students will describe similarities and differences, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 80% on writing rubric.
  • Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.
  • Given a variety of multimedia texts and videos, students will analyze online issues and tecnological effects, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 80% on writing rubric.
  • Students will watch videos and complete an assessment with 80% or better.

Do Now : Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and define it in your own words.  
Word of the Day: Head
(Project is worth 50% of the marking period grade)
Recycling Guide
Check out Mr. Viereck's Recycle Magazine

Question of the Day:  Research and write 2 paragraphs and a bibliography use (
Preview of your QR Code
  1. Evaluate the Recycling Program at Campus High School.  Why is it important to recycle?
  2. Describe how you would start a recycling program at Campus High School. What do we need to do to start a recycling program at Campus High School?
  3. Include the bibliography for 2 sources.
  4. Include your name and date on the bottom.
Please follow along as we start the Recyclables Project together!
Daily Objectives: 
  • Students will read the text on HTML Links to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 80% on writing rubric.
  • After reading the text, students will complete the HTML Links assessment, with a score of 9 out of 10 or better.
  • Using Dreamweaver students will create an HTML Web Page, with a student performance at the basic level

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