Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25 Emoticons / Packet Switching

 Post a response to the Question of the Day in 5 minutes or less, using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

ICT Essentials 1
Question of the Day: Do you think that portable devices such as smartphones, ipods, game boys, etc. have value for education?  Should they be banned from school or used to enhance education?

Daily Objectives: 
Discuss Computer and Internet Safety.Describe Students Expectations and
Identify and Observe proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.

Word of the Day:  Emoticons - A graphical representation, either in the form of an image or made up of ASCII characters, of a particular emotion of the writer

Question of the Day: Do you think that portable devices such as smartphones, ipods, game boys, etc. have value for education?  Should they be banned from school or used to enhance education?

Daily Objectives: 
Identify and use new and emerging tools, technologies and software.Keep the up to date on current technologies.Describe how a computer processes information.Describe how a computer processes information.

Word of the Day: Packet Switching - Break up information into smaller pieces when traveling on the Internet?

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