Monday, July 20, 2015

7/22 About You Website

About You

Learn HTML and CSS to build your own, personal web site! Tell your fans all about yourself and share a gorgeous photo or two! 
Sign up for

7/21 Cyber Safety Protect Your Identity

Introduction this Quest you will test out your Cyber Shield.  This is the first time you get a chance to make sure you will be able to open the Cyber Safe.


1. Play the The Case of the Cyber Criminal (Game) .

2. Take the interactive Media Smarts "How cyber-savvy are you? " challenge. Click on the
Start Cyber Security Quiz link that looks like this image.  Discuss and review your answers.

3. List at least five online tips to help you stay cyber safe. 

4. View Reponses

5. Click on ID Theft Faceoff Game to get started.

6. Play the game until you answer all the questions correctly, thus saving the characters' identity, take a screenshot and paste it into a Cybersafety document or your web presence.

7. Another way to protect yourself from identify theft, scams and rip-offs is to report your complaint to the Internet Crime Complaint Center or the Federal Trade Commission.

We hope this has helped you be more aware of ways to protect yourself from  scams, hoaxes, and cyber-thieves.


Sunday, July 19, 2015

7/20 Digital Footprint


You will learn more about your digital footprint and the amount of media usage you achieve daily. In the process you will also compare your media usage with your classmates.

Key Vocabulary:

Digital footprint: On the Internet a digital footprint is the word used to describe the trail, traces or footprints that people leave online. So that means anytime you do or write something online, there will remain a trace even if you delete it. 


1. What is your footprint?

A. Visit this introduction to a Digital Footprint from TeacherTube and then the Common Sense Media video  about the impact of Digital Footprints.

B. Read the following 11 tips for students to manage their own footprint.

Class, Group or Individual Activity:  Now that you have learned about some Top Tips, think about the tips that impact your own activity online.  On the Form create a list of 3 safety tips that stuck in your mind the best tips. Name this document:  Internet Safety and share it with others you feel this list might help.

C. Click this link to participate in a Digital Footprint Survey  and
it will open in a new window which you can close and return here. 

Click here for the survey results. 

D. Next download this Digital Footprint Document.

E. Make a list of sites you visit a lot. These might include social networking sites (Twitter, FaceBook), gaming sites, shopping sites, learning sites.

F. Organize your list into categories and write them onto the footprint, for example, all social networking sites together, all gaming sites together, etc.

G. Take a Screen Shot (Command-Shift-4) of your Footprint
.  Your teacher will discuss all findings with the class.

Follow up Activities

2. Recording

A.  Homework:  Think about all of the different digital devices you use daily. Your next task is to log your own daily use of all digital media over 4 days which includes at least one weekend day. 

B.  Some examples include:  phone usage, gaming (DS, Playstation, X-Box) playing, surfing the internet, texting and so on.      

C.  Log your time spent into the Word chart  or PDF chart  provided.  

3. Report

Special Note: (Check with your teacher for a presentation schedule)

A.  Add up your total media use in categories (e.g. internet, gaming, cell phone, etc).  Hold on to this information as you will need it for your work with a small group.

B.  Once your media use is totaled, your teacher will place you in collaborative groups to compile your media data for a group total. It is suggested that your group visit this site to graph your data.  You might want to graph your individual usage first. See the following example:

My own log data

C. Your teacher will assign you to a group. You may find it helpful to take different groupwork roles. Each member could choose a role from the following options:

*Facilitator of group (keep everyone on task)

*Data Chief (compile/convert all data)

*Chief Graphic Artist (create an overall graph of your group's data posterboard or spreadsheet)

*Presenter of data to class (show graph and discuss data)

D. Graph your combined group results. Which type of graph best represents your data? (Examples provided below)

Group graph   Pie graph (2) 

4. Download your graph to insert in a Word document or a presentation program to show the class.

Address the following when your group presents your report to the class:   
a. Explain why you selected the type of graph you used.

b. How is the digital footprint represented within your group?

c. How does the digital footprint of your group compare to your own individual usage?