CIT 2 Jan 2016 Mid-Assessment

Computer and Information Technology II

Mid-Assessment (January)

Time Frame: 2 class periods
This assessment will explore digital learning games available in a variety of content areas. Use a graphic organizer to record information that will help in the design of a new game.This assessment will use Scratch, which is a programming language that makes it easy to create interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art.
In this assessment, you will create a game. As part of the procedure, you must use the design process to break the steps down into parts in order to accomplish the overall game. Once you have completed your game, you will need to post it to the class website for others to view and play, to offer feedback. Analyze each others work to look for limitations and capabilities in each game and identify how could this Scratch game be used in education for other subject areas. Then complete a digital overview of the positive and negative impacts in the design.
Once the game is developed and published, research methods of copyrighting your program. Also, research copyright laws to determine the legal resources for infringement. Write a closing summary about the steps you have to go through to copyright a program and submit this to your blog.


In this lesson, I will show you how to make sprites move to certain locations on the Stage. The Scratch Stage uses X-Y Coordinate System that looks as follow:

Assignment 1 (Stage): 12.5 Points
To demonstrate how to let sprites move by themselves, we will create a basic scene and three sprites with very simple scripts. A scene, like a movie scene, sets the tone of the story and provides a platform for the characters in the story.

Step 1:              Create a Simple Scene
First, double click to select Stage.
Click “Costumes” tab and there is a default background called “background1”. Click “Edit”.
Use Line Tool, Box Tool, and Circle Tool to create outline of two houses and a plate. Then use Fill Tool to fill in colors. When done, hit “OK”.

Assignment 2 (Adding Simple Movement Scripts to Sprites): 12.5 Points
              Adding Simple Movement Scripts to Sprites
If you have not already, create three sprites: Mr. Meow (use the Scratch Cat), Donut Man, and Donut. Now let’s add scripts so that all sprites will show up in the right places when the animation starts (when the Start Flag is clicked).
Move three sprites as shown at the right. Donut Man to the green house, Mr. Meow to the red house, and Donut to the plate.
The x-axis and y-axis values are updated accordingly when moved. When a sprite is moved, the Motion blocks (“go to x=? y=?” block and “glide ? secs to x: ? y: ?” block) in the Tool Box are updated as well.

To build Mr. Meow’s scripts, select Mr. Meow from the Sprites Area, then click “Scripts” tab. From the Tool Box, click the “Control” button and drag “when Start Flag clicked” block to drop it in Scripts work area.

Then click “Motion” button in Tool Box Selection and drag “glide 1 secs to x:-183 y:-110” to the Stage. Then attach it under the “when Start Flag clicked” block.
Then click “Looks” button in Tool Box Selection, and drag “switch to costume1” to the Stage. Then attach it under the “glide 1 secs to x:-183 y:-110”.

Assignment 3 (Repeat Movement Script): 12.5 Points               
Do the same for Donut Man and Donut
In the same way, create similar scripts for the Donut Man and the Donut.
Below is what result scripts should look like. Note that your x-axis and y-axis values will very likely be different than mine, and it’s OK.
* * *

 Assignment 4 (Debugging): 12.5 Points
TEST: Move sprites around in the Stage and clicking the Start to see all of the sprites gliding back to their positions.

This assessment will be graded using the following rubric:
Requirements Possible Points Earned Points
1 Game
Assignment 1 (Stage): 20
Assignment 2 (Adding Simple Movement Scriptsto Sprites): 20
Assignment 3 (Repeat Movement Script) 20
Assignment 4 (Debugging): 20
2 Includes copyright research 4
3 Evidence that game can be used in education 4
4 Includes positive and negative impacts in design 4
5 Evidence of design process 4
6 Submits to blog 4
Total 100


8.1.12.B.1 Design and pilot a digital learning game to demonstrate knowledge and skillsrelated to one or more content areas or a real world situation. (Explore digital learning games; create a game that can be used in education for other subject areas)
8.1.12.E.2 Predict the impact on society of unethical use of digital tools, based on research and working with peers and experts in the field. (Research copyright laws to determine the legal recourse for infringement.)
8.1.12.F.2 Analyze the capabilities and limitations of current and emerging technology resources and assess their potential to address educational, career, personal, and social needs. (Analyze each other’s work to look for limitations and capabilities in each game; howcan this game be used in education for other subject areas.)
8.2.12.C.3 Evaluate the positive and negative impacts in a design by providing a digitaloverview of a chosen product and suggest potential modifications to address the negativeimpacts. (Complete a digital overview of the positive and negative impacts in the design)
8.2.12.E.1 Use the design process to devise a technological product or system. (Use thedesign process to break the steps down into parts in order to accomplish the overall game)
8.2.12. G.1 Analyze the interactions among various technologies and collaborate to create a product. (Information and communications technologies; blog)

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