CIT 2 Post Assessment (April)

Computer and Information Technology II   Post-Assessment (April)

Time Frame: 2 class periods

This assessment will explore digital learning games available in a variety of content areas. Use a graphic organizer to record information that will help in the design of a new game. This assessment will use Scratch , which is a programming language that makes it easy to create interactive stories , animations, games, music, and art.

In this assessment, you will create a game. As part of the procedure, you must use the design process to break the steps down into parts in order to accomplish the overall game. Once you have completed your game, you will need to post it to the class website for others to view and play, to offer feedback. Analyze each other's work to look for limitations and capabilities in each game and identify how could this Scratch game be used in education for other subject areas. Then complete a digital overview of the positive and negative impacts in the design.

Once the game is developed and published, research methods of copyrighting your program. Also, research copyright laws to determine the legal resources for infringement. Write a closing summary about the steps you have to go through to copyright a program and submit this to your blog.


Directions: Scratch Website

Assignment 1 (Pong Game) 12.5 Points

Step 1: Create a Pong Game
To open the “Pong” game, click “Open” and browse to Projects->Games, and then select “Pong”. Click OK to open the Pong project.
There are two sprites: ball and paddle. The ball sprite moves randomly by its own, whereas the paddle sprite is moved by user moving the mouse.
Click the green flag to try the game. Use the paddle to hit the ball as it falls down. You should soon find that if the ball hits the bottom of the Stage, the game would end.

Assignment 2 (Three Combo Blocks) 12.5 Points

The ball sprite has three combo blocks. You can think of a sprite as a robot and each combo block as a separate motor. Just like a robot is controlled by many motors, a sprite can be controlled by many combo blocks. In Computer Science language, each combo block is a thread of execution, working independently of the other threads.
In the picture shown left, first combo block controls how the game would end – if ball touches red, then game ends.
The middle combo block checks whether the ball has touched the paddle and takes action when it does.
The last combo block checks whether the ball has hit the edge and takes action when it does.
The image below shows how a sprite moves in the Scratch stage which is based on the X-Y coordinate system.
This sprite moves according to this script:
The Combo block shown is activated when the ball hits Stage’s red bottom.
The combo block shown is activated when the ball hits the edges of the Stage.
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The combo block shown is activated when the ball hits the paddle.


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Assignment 3 (Changing Randomness): 12.5 Points

TRY THIS: Try changing the randomness by changing the value in “pick random ? to ?” block. To make it more random and the game more difficult, increase the range of the degree change.
Also, you can make the ball leave trace of its movement by using the Pen Tool Kit.

Assignment 4 (Debugging): 12.5 Points 

Test move sprite around the stage and click start to see if all sprites are gliding back to their position.

This assessment will be graded using the following rubric:

Possible Points
Earned Points

Assignment 1 (Create Pong Game)

Assignment 2 (Three Combo Blocks)

Assignment 3 (Randomness)

Assignment 4 (Debugging)

Includes copyright research

Evidence that game can be used in education

Includes positive and negative impacts in design

Evidence of design process

Submits to blog


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