Thursday, October 14, 2010

10/14 Statement of Purpose

Post a response to the Question of the Day in 5 minutes or less, using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

ICT Essentials 1
Question of the Day: Read: Writing a Statement of Purpose. What is your topic? Write a detailed Statement of Purpose for your topic.

Daily Objective:  Identify information needed in order to complete the task (to solve the information problem).  Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.  Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.

Word of the Day: Statement of Purpose is a sentence that you write, which states, in some detail, what you want to learn about in your research project. The statement guides you as you work so that you will read and take notes only on what's needed for your project.
Test 3 Review

Question of the Day: Read: Writing a Statement of Purpose. What is your topic? Write a detailed Statement of Purpose for your topic.

Daily Objective:  Identify information needed in order to complete the task (to solve the information problem).  Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.  Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.

Word of the Day:  Statement of Purpose is a sentence that you write, which states, in some detail, what you want to learn about in your research project. The statement guides you as you work so that you will read and take notes only on what's needed for your project.
Test 3 Review

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