Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11/15 "Choose your battles"

Post a response to the Question of the Day using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.  Rubric

ICT Essentials
Question of the Day:
You may have heard the phrase, "Choose your battles." Write about a battle in school that you think is worth fighting, or one that isn't. Why?

Daily Objectives:   Make a source card for each one you use.
Keep the up to date on current technologies, tools and software with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Use a combination of word-processing software, presentation software, note taking software and online tools with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Integrate new information into an existing knowledge base and communicate the results in a project or presentation with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2

Word of the Day:
Authority  Who is responsible for the page? What are their qualifications and associations, and can you verify them?

Question of the Day:
You may have heard the phrase, "Choose your battles." Write about a battle in school that you think is worth fighting, or one that isn't. Why?

Daily Objectives:6a. HTML Headings
Identify and use HTML heading tags with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Identify and use Text formatting tags with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Identify and use Preformatted text tags with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Format an address with HTML  tags with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.Identify and format abbreviations, acronyms and quotations using HTML tags with 100% accuracy using a computer, computer software and Web 2.0 tools.
Word of the Day:
Angle brackets - <> The characters, < and >, set HTML tags off from the rest of the text on an HTML page. These two symbols enclose all HTML tags

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