Monday, March 14, 2011

3/14 Lurk / Local Variable

Post a response to the Question of the Day in 5 minutes or less, using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

ICT Essentials 1
Question of the Day: Does listening to music help you to work or learn better?  Or do you find music distracting?  Does this vary with the type of work you are doing? Why?

Daily Objectives: 
Use and integrate Word-processing and Presentation tools and software when completing projects and assignments. Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Use the help sections of software, investigate online tutorials, and experiment with techniques, tools and software.Use multiple, documents, applications and web tools to create and modify projects.Use multiple, documents, applications and web tools to create and modify projects.

Word of the Day:  Lurk - To monitor an electronic community before participating; lurking is essential to understanding the nuances of a discussion group or mailing list.
Question of the Day: Does listening to music help you to work or learn better?  Or do you find music distracting?  Does this vary with the type of work you are doing? Why?

Daily Objectives: 
Identify the Vocabulary and and computer programming concepts.Identify the parts of the Scratch Interface.Describe the function of the parts of the Scratch Interface.Use Scratch paint to create an original  Sprite with several costumes.Use the scratch program to animate a Sprite.

Word of the Day: Variables - In programming, a variable is a placeholder for some value, much like x and y are popular variables in algebra. In Scratch, variables are represented with blocks shaped like elongated circles, uniquely labeled by you. Variables, generally speaking, can be local or global. In Scratch, a local variable can be used by just one sprite; a global variable can be used by all of your sprites.
Variables allow us, for instance, to instruct a sprite to count up from 1:

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