Friday, March 11, 2011

3/11 Trolls / Loops

Post a response to the Question of the Day in 5 minutes or less, using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

ICT Essentials 1
Question of the Day: What do you think about people who say unkind things to others using a computer, or other Internet devices?  Some one you know is spreading untrue rumors about you on Facebook.  They have never said anything to you in person or online.  What should you do?  Why?
Daily Objectives: 
Identify and Observe proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.
Word of the Day: Trolls and Trolling: the Thugs of the Internet
The opposite of good netiquette is 'trolling'. This is where mean-spirited users purposely seek to cause disharmony, conflict, and bad feelings online. If you want to use the Internet, you must understand that trolls are a fact of life, and that there are proven ways to deal with them. 

Question of the Day:  How is a song similar to a looping construct?

Daily Objectives: 
Identify the Vocabulary and parts of the Scratch Program.Identify the Scratch Interface.Descibe the uses for Scratch.Create a sprite in Scratch.Animate a sprite in Scratch.
Word of the Day: Loops 
In programming, a loop can induce multiple executions of statements. In Scratch, any block whose label begins with "forever" or "repeat" is a looping construct.
One such block is:

 Another block allows you to loop a specific number of times:

Sometimes, you want execute some statement multiple times, each time varying your behavior ever so slightly. We thus turn our attention to variables.

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