Thursday, March 10, 2011

3/10 Newbie / Conditions

Post a response to the Question of the Day in 5 minutes or less, using complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

ICT Essentials 1
Question of the Day: Your parents are new to using the computer and Internet.  They always send emails and other messages in all capital letters.  What should you do?  How can you help them without hurting their feeling or discourage them from using the computer and Internet?  Remember you were once a newbie yourself.
Daily Objectives: 
Identify and Observe proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.Identify, Observe and Practice proper Internet Safety and Netiquette.
Word of the Day: newbie  (nb, ny-) n. Slang

One that is new to something, especially a novice at using computer technology or the Internet.

Question of the Day: How do conditions help you to make decisions?  Is this the same way a computer uses conditions? Why?
Daily Objectives: 
Identify the Vocabulary and parts of the Scratch Program.Identify the Scratch Interface.Descibe the uses for Scratch.Create a sprite in Scratch.Animate a sprite in Scratch.
Word of the Day: Conditions - In programming, a condition is something that must be true in order for something to happen. A condition is thus said to "evaluate to true" or "evaluate to false." In Scratch, any block whose label says "if," "when," or "until" is a sort of conditional construct.
One such block is:

The construct above is generally known as an "if construct." With it can we instruct a sprite to say hello only if, say, the user has depressed the mouse button:

 Sometimes, you want one or more statements to be executed multiple times in a row. To implement this behavior, we turn our attention to loops.

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